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A photo of Naphia, the director of Cosmic Speech Pathology, a smiley Asian lady in a black sleeveless dress with the sea in the background

Naphia Chu

Naphia is the founder of Cosmic Speech Pathology. She is a Certified Practising Speech Pathologist and a registered member of Speech Pathology Australia. She has extensive experience working with children and adolescents with a range of special needs, including Global Developmental Delay, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and Intellectual Disabilities. 

Naphia loves supporting families all across Australia and expats globally via borderless telehealth services!

Always a big kid at heart, she loves exploring the world and cosmos. She also enjoys sharing her fun adventures and interests with families. She loves animals, nature, diving, yoga and meditation. You may find her singing and laughing a lot in her sessions.

She is particularly interested in paediatric speech therapy, bilingual language therapy, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and social communication. She also believes in cultivating strong relationships is the key to wellbeing, growth and quality of life. 

As a bilingual speaker, Naphia is also experienced in providing assessment and therapy in Mandarin and supporting cultural-linguistic diverse families.

朱昱臻 (雙語語言治療師)



-複雜溝通及特殊教育 (溝通辅具、口部肌肉訓練)

Naphia 尤其熱愛及專精於幼兒發音和語言治療,雙語語言治療,自閉症/社交能力治療, 以及溝通輔具的使用和家庭輔導。治療時,她熱愛動物、大自然、潛水、瑜珈和冥想。她也喜歡探索宇宙奧秘,分享冒險及有趣的經驗,唱歌和大笑。


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Image by Jr Korpa


Cosmic Speech Pathology strives to hold a trusted and safe space for children and adults to overcome communication and emotional difficulties.

We help individuals speak up and shine with creativity, confidence and autonomy!

We are here to create with you a life of quality and truthful interactions and relationships. 

With everyone that crossed paths and started a journey together, we hope to influence the world by helping us understand each other better and live with expanding minds.

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